gen-catalyze lets the currently defined soup of elements to catalyze producing new variations from the seed material. The optional seed controls the random number seed, and max-iter controls the depth the catalyzer process works. The more iterations the more catalyzions will occur and the longer the pattern. Default max-iter is 20.
To define the soup use init-catalyzer and add-catalyzer, or set up the soup with setq. See init-catalyzer for more.
(gen-catalyze 'soup)
--> (e d f c d e e e f .... c d e d f c)
Each gen-catalyze produces more material from the same soup letting the catalyzers to react differently at each time.
(gen-catalyze 'soup)
--> another pattern
To procude variants of the pattern just generated use the gen-catalyze-variate.